Beyond the Pappus, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) in New Jersey which helps families cope with the death of an immediate family physically, socially, emotionally, educationally, and/or spiritually.

Do you recall your childhood days of discovering a dandelion’s pappus and making a wish? Beyond the Pappus was formed with an initial goal of giving youth living in New Jersey (ages three through seventeen years of age) who have endured the death someone in their immediate family (mother, father, sister, brother, or guardian), due to a terminal illness or tragic event, the opportunity to receive a wish.

Too often children and teens emotional needs may not be fully met during these difficult times. This is never on purpose, but due to the fact that emotions, energy, and time of a family is needed to cope with these unfortunate situations. We want to give these youth a chance to have a voice, that will help them cope during these stressful times and days ahead.

“We will speak in the voice of compassion for the disappointments youth will experience in life. Compassion is the shoulder youth can lean on to know that they are not alone…” Anonymous

At times in our lives people leave imprints in our hearts. They may be words that were said, the way someone acted, the look we saw in someone’s eyes, or the movements someone made. As we came together to create this foundation we remembered those who have inspired us. 

The inspiration to fulfill our mission is thanks to those who have left imprints on our hearts. The inspiration to work towards our vision is thanks to those who taught us the help of others during times of bereavement is sometimes essential for healing and movement in our future without those we once had beside us. The inspiration to have created our values was learned by our experiences with helping others through times of loss as well as dealing with our own hardships in life.

We are unable to take away what has happened in the past, but we strive to help make the future a little bit easier to cope with for youth, ages three to seventeen, who have suffered the loss of immediate family members.